Sea Therapy
Being the Mediterranean Sea one of the most powerful and beautiful natural resources on Earth, it is one of the most aggressive and relaxing gifts at the same time. Since the first encounter with the sea emotions and sensations originate like shock waves caused by a stone dropped into the water
in complete harmony with natural laws and conditions.
At Villa Matrix we use the sea as a unique therapeutic program. It helps the patient deal with anxieties, fears and difficulties by utilizing open spaces and forces inherent in each of them, connecting in a personal, emotional and liberating way.
All sea therapies are conducted at Acadia Beach in Hertzliya by certified professionals in water sports and health care.
Sea Program:
Individual Therapy – focus on anxieties, fears and empowerment. Allows the patient to experience oneself in an open environment, without barriers or restraints. Feel the force of nature, a sense of liberation, and limitless power and respect the sea demands. The patient experiences life in treatment with boundaries and schedules, but when at sea, the patient is able to bring oneself in the most liberating and authentic way.
Group Therapy – group therapy offers patients unique opportunities to experiment and work on issues of intimacy, loneliness and separation. Group therapy in the sea also provides the patient a sense of interdependency with others and allow to relate their weaknesses and strengths as well as potential and self worth within a group. This is a powerful connective tool when going back to their communities of origin.
Outdoor Group Therapies – ODT, geared toward the development of social connectivity and providing of management, leadership and empowerment skills through challenging activities in field conditions. The patient will express abilities and personal skills within the group such as leadership and interpersonal communication while learning to cope with ambiguity and uncertainty with responsibility while facing challenges individually and in society. ODT will teach the patient how to make responsible decisions individually and as part of a group with task management and sharing of information. This program will instill improved self-confidence, responsible risk taking, awareness, leadership, reflective thinking and most importantly, a much higher self-esteem.
Anger Management Group Therapy – anger is energy that affects all systems in the body, physically and mentally, and reflects in our immediate social and family circles. When we feel anger, justifiably or not, communication channels are affected by this basic human emotion. Helplessness, resentment and humiliation weakens the individual. These feelings lead to a false escape route in the mind of an addict and are the cause of symptoms characterized by chronic substance abuse and destructive compulsive behaviors. Resentment takes us back to traumatic events. This therapy focuses on resentments, emotional management and trains the patient for temper control and acceptance, and develops skills for remaining calm in adverse situations. Experience the ultimate in handling the release of anger.
Vessel Therapy – employs the magic and force of the wind at sea with adventure sailing as an empowerment tool, filled with thrills and unique dynamic sensations. It helps develop responsibility, team work and trust. It teaches the patient that risks and decisions can be taken in a responsible manner. This is a positive alternative to toxic activities by creating a new interest, which has many components that connect to the surrounding world. Water sports activities provide individual and group challenges and thrills, allowing the acquisition of initiative and skills, such as the development of executive and task compliance, development of team work and mutual aid. The sea as a powerful tool in unexpected conditions, fresh air, water and sand, allowing the patient to focus on the root of the disease with positive energy before further treatment.